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End Of L.O.R Rebellion

Soldiers Of Retribution - Official Announcement

Hello members of our embassy,

Last year we were made aware during a war with Sentinel that our close ally The Legends Of Reach was associating themselves with the ddossing organization known as "Cweam Team". To keep the coalition against Sentinel alive L.O.R , U.N.R and S.O.R signed a document that would allow U.N.R and S.O.R to take full temporary control of L.O.R to remove ddossers and reformat the clan. However L.O.R would remove both S.O.R and U.N.R from their Discord which made them a open rebellion.

After almost a full year of proxy wars, espionage operations, several peace meetings, and surprise attacking the Legends of Reach High Council met with the Soldiers Of Retribution High Council and the United Nordic Reich Regional Directors. In the our 4th meeting all parties signed the “Treaty Of A.R.C” which you can find below. Today the Legends of Reach fulfilled its terms stated in the treaty and thus is no longer a rebel state and/or a state of S.O.R or U.N.R. They have fully gained their independence.

We encourage all organizations to see L.O.R as a clan and no longer a ddossing safe place. We also hope to see positive relations between our organizations as we move towards the future. In the end let’s this be a reminder that ddossing should never be tolerated in our community.

Thank you,

-The Soldiers Of Retribution High Council

"We Shall Rain Retribution!"

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