Meet Tango
A Discord Bot Made For Clans

Developed By S.O.R For All Kinds Of Clans
Tango is a powerful Discord bot designed to enhance community engagement by tracking activities and managing user progression through customizable levels. Activities logged with Tango provide users with XP, contributing to structured level advancement based on participation and merit. Administrators can create variants, weights, and custom fields to capture details specific to each type of activity, with options for automated promotion and tailored message templates. The bot also offers tools for monitoring user progress, viewing activity summaries, and ensuring consistent formatting across the server. Tango's flexibility and depth make it the ideal choice for any Discord community aiming to encourage involvement and reward commitment.
Discover Tango
Customize Your Experience
With Tango customize the kind of events you want your members to log. Do you have weekly mandatory trainings? Or internal events? How about when someone recruits a new member into your clan? Create the activity and the kind of fields tailored for your clan/organization. Then Tango will create a new slash commands based on your fields.

Keep Track of Activities
When logging activates Tango will automatically keep track in the back end. Easily bring up member progression with lighting fast response times. Members will be able to see how far they are from their next promotion at any time! Tango also has options to show additional information, like showing a users last 10 events, or total activity while in the clan/org and much more!

Engage Members with Progression
When setting up Tango, clan/org leaders will be able to set different requirements needed to be met in order to be promoted to the next rank. If a Rookie needs 5 events in order to be promoted to Private Tango will track a Rookie's logged activity and can automatically promote users to meet the requirements or a member of a higher rank will need to promote them.

And So Much More...
There is so much more additional features and customization than shown above. Keep an eye out on the S.O.R YouTube Channel for videos on showcasing Tango & how to set it up in your Discord server!
Getting Started With Tango
Watch both YouTube Video series to learn more about Tango! Part 1 is showcasing Tango at work while Part 2 is setting him up so he can start working in your server!
Part 1: Showcase
Part 2: Setup
Invite Tango using the button below!
Access Tango's Web Dashboard by clicking the button below!
Join Our Support Server
From getting news & updates about Tango, getting support, seeing sneak peaks of future updates, testing Tango out for yourself and more join our support server below!
Q: Why should my clan use Tango?A: If you already have a manual progression system, or if you want to add one, Tango can take a significant chunk of the burden of managing that progression manually off your shoulders, with a bunch of neat features to make the process fun and engaging.
Q: Will I have to pay for this?A: As of now, our goal is to create a fully functioning Discord bot for Clans. Monetization would only be implemented to cover server costs of running a Discord Bot. As of now there is no plans to make users pay for the bot, this may change. If you feel like donating to help with server costs please reach out to us.
Q: How can I add it to my server?A: Right now Tango is in Beta and thus, only a few selected groups have access while we add features, squash bugs and prep it for a public release.
Q: Who is Developing Tango?A: EESON56 & glotchimo from The Soldiers Of Retribution is currently the main two developers of Tango. With EESON56 being the chief officer of the project and glotchimo being the main coder for the bot.
Q: What data is being collected?A: Anytime a user uses a Discord Slash Command Tango will log it and output data. Tango is only logging commands. Additionally, when adding the bot unless given a role with it the bot does not require Admin perms so it’s only seeing channels you want it to see.
Q: Do you have a Discord Support Server?A: Yes we do! Join the support server here:
Q: Will SOR use or share my clan's data?A: No. SOR will never use or share clan data with other parties for military, intelligence, or political gain. Only our Tango Development Team has access to your data. As a reminder, the only data gathered by Tango is that which is submitted via slash commands by users. Conversations, attachments, and other forms of communication in your server are never seen by Tango.