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Updated Foreign Policy

Hello members of our embassy,

We wanted to inform you that recently we have made major changes to our # s․o․r-foreign-policy. Below you can see the new additions for more information please visit # s․o․r-foreign-policy.

5: Rules Of Conduct:

When conducting an event with S.O.R these are non negotiable rules that must be followed by both S.O.R and the other party.

• All members must be in their respective clans uniform.

• No body disrespect, this includes but not limited to ; teabaging dead bodies, shooting dead bodies on purpose, and other forms of body disrespect.

• 1 Observer is allowed on both sides unless agreed otherwise.

• Respectful and Professional

If you have any comments, questions or concerns please feel free to contact us using your respective channel.

Thank you,

-The S.O.R High Council

We Shall Rain Retribution!

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