Hello members of our embassy,
Today marks the official one year anniversary of our longest open conflict. The Liberation of L.O.R! L.O.R was infested with ddossers and at the time their leadership refused S.O.R and UNR occupation to reform clean out their organization.
After a year and 3 months of open attacks on recruitment maps and trainings, espionage operations and forge sabotage, the L.O.R High Council came to an agreement to sign The Treaty Of ARC ending the open war.
Today internally we remember and give thanks to the members both S.O.R and UNR who spent time attacking, spying and sabotaging L.O.R during this conflict. L.O.R has improved greatly in the last year after our war and we are nothing but proud of the organization they have become.
Thank you,
-The S.O.R High Council
We Shall Rain Retribution!